PADI Discover Scuba Diving

All of you have seen a documentary about the sea and the underwater world. Many of you have found yourselves totally stunned watching even the slightest detail of underwater life in TV…

Stand up from your couch and come to get your first underwater breath, enjoy undersea tranquility, play with reflections on the surface, watch the sun rays penetrating water, feel like hovering, see the underwater life with your own eyes…

Join us in your first scuba experience…

And if you are certified divers…bring your friends for Discover Scuba Diving and dive with them for FREE!

Course description:
  • The diving experience lasts 4 hours in total.
  • Basic diving theory, equipment and full speed to the sea…time for some easy underwater skills and then a fascinating trip…
Prerequisites for the PADI Discovery Scuba Diving:
  • At least 10 years old
Price: 50,00€
What’s next?

Explore Discovery Scuba Diving to elevate to the first certification level! Carry on your training as PADI Open Water Diver!

Other Options:

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