The Diving Center

We created a warm and pleasant environment, something that will make you feel familiar with the idea of SCUBA Diving!

Our purpose is to relax you and “prepare the field” as much better we can for your satisfaction! We are here to give you our best for what we love the most!

We chose a top line brand name for our equipment, so SCUBAPRO is our ally to our aim! A Paramina Silent Typhoon is our lung which fills the cylinders with precious atmospheric air!

Our classroom is the spot where we share the principles of SCUBA Diving with you and your knowledge abilities become as they must for the most exciting activity in the world!
We are giving our best and will never stop to improve ourselves cause we are MAD ABOUT SCUBA!

Our Team

John Angelakos
You can never explore the Ocean unless you have the Courage to lose sight of the shore…Sea you soon!
John Efstathiou
In its marvelous cycle the water transforms the bottom incessantly changing faces, changing conditions, changing colors, mirroring the world around it … And our mood. . .
Andrew Arzoglou
There is a world where the most beautiful life exists among to magic color and the perfect harmony…
Orestis Papadogoulas
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