SCUBA Diving Giftcard

Get rid of the common gifts and choose something unique as a gift for your loved one! Give him/her the chance to know the magic underwater world and to enjoy the beautiful views of out seabed!

The Diveness Giftcard is made from an elegant, glossy type of paper…and it’s a fantastic gift which will make the recipient to smile and looks forward to…enjoy!!!

The sender can choose any PADI course or fun dives – trip as a gift…and if the recipient has no experience before with SCUBA Diving here you can see how he/she can start.

A fabulous gift which will share many smiles…that’s sure!

Contact with us using the contact information or tell us about your interest by filling up the below contact form. We will contact with you as soon as possible…!

*Giftcard expires one year after the purchase date.

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