How to Start Scuba Diving

Why do SCUBA diving?

SCUBA diving is a fantastic and definitely an outstanding activity that cannot be compared to anything else! The fact that it has a world wide audience is not random at all! Through their underwater adventures divers can experience unique feelings such as weightlessness, serenity, escaping of daily routine, observation of underwater life etc. The experiences that one can obtain through SCUBA Diving can classify it as an extremely addictive hobby!

How to start SCUBA Diving?

Given that no previous experience exists, you can approach SCUBA Diving in two different ways:


If you want to just have a quick taste of what we love doing then your choice is the Discover SCUBA Diving Program. With minimum prerequisites on your behalf (bathing suit, towel, flip flops and a big smile of course), the only thing we really need from you is to give us 4 hours of your busy life, and we will make sure that you will live an experience forever carved in your memory.

Following your first dive you will be ready to decide whether you want to continue and get your first SCUBA Diving Certification! (Can you keep a secret? Almost 95% of the people that start SCUBA Diving fall in love with it and continue to becoming certified divers…shhh it’s a secret)


After you will have made up your mind to make SCUBA Diving your favorite leisure activity then you will have to follow your first full PADI Course, PADI Open Water Diver.

Get ready for a perfectly organized training with our skilled instructors and your journey to the sea’s magic blue begins! Through the integrated practical and theoretical knowledge, our dive center’s ultimate goad is for you to receive a worldwide known diving certification but also to become an adequate and safe diver!

Connection between the PADI DSD and the PADI Open Water Course

The connection between the two programs offers you the safety of an informed decision and at the same time it protects you from any impromptu choices that you may end up thinking twice in the future!

How is this possible?

You enroll in the DSD program and go through with it. With the addition of the personal experience you can now continue with the PADI Open Water Diver program upon your request. Both, the dive from your DSD program as well as the money that you spent for that program, account for your Open Water Diver course. You cannot miss them! Your dive gets counts as one of the mandatory dives that you have to complete for your first certification and the value of that gets deducted from the overall cost of the Open Water Diver course.

So what are you waiting for? Seize this opportunity and begin your journey to the big blue with the best diving center in Athens! Don’t waste any time, you will be able to explore 75% of our planet, which is water. Our planet’s seas and oceans are waiting for you! Call our Dive Center to book you appointment with…the underwater magic!

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