PADI Open Water Diver

Be certified as scuba diver! Open Water Diver course is the first level of certification that teaches you how to dive until 18 meters depth!

PADI certification is worldwide recognized and allows you to dive to every seabed around the world…

Course description:
  • Knowledge development. You will get to know all the basic principles of scuba diving and through themes such as Equipment, Physics, Physiology and Tables you will get to learn what a certified Open Water diver has to know.
  • 5 dives in confined waters. In these dives you can hone your skills, get accustomed to diving equipment and improve your buoyancy.
  • 4 dives in open waters. In these dives the goal is the journey and the enjoyment of the sea world. However, why not repeat the skills already taught?
Prerequisites for Open Water Diver:
  • At least 10 years old
Price: 395,00 €
What’s next?

The learning journey continues when you are 30 meters deep, where you learn how to navigate with the help of a compass and get a foretaste of the other three PADI specialties…Simply with PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course.

Other Options:

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